URSA PilliarsURSA'S pillars support the positions and goals of the Joint Legislative Committee





Advocacy that supports equity, adequacy, and access for all

To achieve high levels of learning for all, the Utah Rural Schools Association (URSA) collectively commits to advocate for equity, adequacy, and access to high quality services and supports for Utah's students and educators living and serving in rural LEA'S.

The organization recognizes and works collaboratively with education, government, and private organizations to meet the challenges that rural school districts face in providing access  to services and support that may be more readily available in non-rural districts.

Education PillarEducation Profession

Quality educators are critical to a quality education for all students.

Competitive salary and benefits are key to resolving the shortage of quality educators.

Remote locations and small schools requiring multiple teacher endorsements significantly complicate the hiring and retention of quality educators.



Funding PillarFunding (NESS, Administrative Funds, School Land Trust,etc.)

Small demographically separated rural schools need  additional per student funds to provide equitable and adequate services and support for students and educators.

Base plus formulas are a successful way to provide minimal services in small rural schools.

Due to the economy of scale, the smaller the school and district, the more additional per student funding is needed to provide adequate and equitable services.

All Utah students need a 21st Century education including technology, career and college readiness.
Equity and equalization are critical to adequate educational access for all Utah students.

Profession al Development PillarHigh quality professional development (PD) tied to best practices

Educators, like all professions, need PD to perform at the highest levels.

Districts need funding to provide PD for all educators.

PD Funding levels need to be restored to support highly effective educators.

Technology PillarsTechnology infrastructure and teaching support and implementation

Regional Service Centers provide accessible endorsements state wide using UETN and IVC systems.

Digital teaching and learning tools facilitate high-levels of teaching and learning anytime, anywhere for students and educators




These pillars of advocacy in behalf of Utah's rural students and educators will drive the work of the URSA organization. It is critical that we keep at the forefront of our efforts the need to provide adequate and equitable services for all: fulfilling our mission to support educators as they work to meet the educational goals and needs of their students.